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Reviews of graduates |
Why the department of System Design?
Fedorenko Oleksij Group: DA-91 Class of 2005 Place of work: engineering company (Germany)
Marina Shpakayskas
On the final years I have worked in the MTS in the Department of exploitation NSS (system of commutation) and I was engaged in the support of switching equipment systems. This summer I switched to the information security department. My main working areas and responsibilities are: 1. Administration and maintenance of company's security systems.
Соломко Валентин Анатолійович ![]() Born on May 9, 1982, in Kyiv. A 2005 graduate of CAD department. In 2002 joined the IC design group lead by V. Stikanov. After graduation in 2005, continued as a scientific assistant with the Chair of Circuit Design, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany, where he was giving lectures and practical course on radio-frequency engineering. Since 2009 works as a research engineer in General Electric Company, Munich. Education - 2003 – bachelor degree - 2005 – master degree - In 2008 got a doctoral degree (Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften) from Brandenburg University of Technology. Thesis: “Monolithically Integrated Sigma-Delta Frequency Synthesizers in 0.13 μm CMOS” Professional Experience / Achievements - Design of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits in CMOS and BiCMOS technologies (frequency synthesizers, ADCs, power amplifiers, low-power sensors, readout circuits for x-ray sensors etc.) - 6 publications, among them are 2 utility models - Reviewer for IET journals Kuz Pavlo Serhijovych Group ZDA-41 Graduated in 2010 (distance course)
Pushkar Volodymyr Ivanovych Studied in 1998 - 2004 Senior system administrator at the Department CAD FEL KPI: 2001- to this day Senior System Engineer at the "MTS Ukraine": 2005 - 2010 Unix / network system administrator of the corporation "Quasar-Micro": 2004 - 2005 System Architecture Ltd. "Digital Screens": 2011 - to this day Senior system administrator "Digital Ventures": 2010 — 2011 Head of the department Studying at the CAD department gave me an invaluable experience and knowledge in information technologies, confidence in my professional abilities and possibilities for further improvement.
Yurij Yakimov,class of 2007 , DA-12 Consultant for SAP, KONE Lifts Moscow, Russia Chernyshyn Vjacheslav FEL CAD Class of 2004 Manager of Foreign economic activity, group of companies “Krutye Tachki”
This is probably one of the main principles of work in our time. The first job in logistics, I found while I was an engineer in one of the Kiev's Internet provider company. And I got a second degree very confidently after the KPI. So the starting point in my life was CAD...
Vitalij Baranovskij, class of 2004 (MA)
Name: OksanaTkanko Class of: 2009 Place of work: Skype (http://skype.com/) Position: Software Engineer - Secure Web Services at Skype
What has it given me? First of all — it's knowledge. Different knowledge- purely technical and life skills. The Department: About my work:
Ishchuk Valentyn, Class of 2005. Research Associate, Institute of Micro-and nano-electronics in the Technological University of Ilmenau, Germany.
The Department’s cooperation with foreign universities gave me the opportunity to go to pre-thesis practice to Germany for six months. I have been studying for several years now in postgraduate school of the University of Technology Ilmenau in Germany and my major is modeling of plasma processing of silicon, participating in an international European project at the same time. In cooperation with American colleagues I have completed a six months internship in the University of California at Berkeley in the Lawrence Lab. We have presented with our working group at the conference EIPBN 2011 in Las Vegas the recent results obtained with the help of our simulation software package.
Krasnoshapka Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Class of: 2005 Place of work: Ciklum (www.ciklum.net) Position: PHP / Drupal Lead developer
Roenko Nataliya Serhiyivna Class of 2006 Group - ДА-02
I graduated the SD Department in 2005 and I had been working for 2 years in the bank in managing of payment cards, what had determined my following career. Now I have been working for 4 years already in the company I had dreamed to work for since 2003. The Company is “Ukrainian Processing Center” and it is a leader of outsourcing IT service companies for banking sector in Ukraine. Technical education received at the CAD Department helps me even today. Logical thinking skills, subject base allow using them not only in working process but in every day life as well. Nowadays its a well known fact that technical universities' graduates that major in computer technologies are the most required on the labor-market. One of these universities is the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” it is one of the most known technical universities in Ukraine and in the world and has many achievements in scientific work, faculty practice and qualified specialist's training. One of the most modern directions in information technologies is computer sciences. Computer science are connected with the active use of computers in science, technique, business, healthcare and many other spheres of human activity. They give tremendous possibilities for the successful career, and people who work in the field of computer technologies play the key role in forming of a modern information society. It is important that the field of computer sciences attracts the most talented students from very different layers of society that allows to bring them up as skilled and responsible specialists, scientists, and engineers. In the NTUU “KPI” specialist’s education in computer science is being officially performed by only 4 departments: two departments (MMSA and SD) of Institute for Applied System Analysis (IASA) and Departments of the Faculty of Computational and Information Techniques of Heat-and-Power Engineering Faculty. Therefore promotional stands in admission offices of other departments and faculties on specialist’s training in computer science and information technologies, is ,to say the least, is an exaggeration - as this assignment is not their core specialization. And what unique features in curriculum and in specialist's training are characteristics of IASA in particular and of the System Design Department in general? 1. First of all, the curriculum is based on international standards, namely, on the Computing Curricula 2004 educational program. Department’s curriculum isn’t focused only on programming disciplines, and due to advanced mathematical and circuit engineering courses it provides students with wide range of knowledge and skills in the field of modern computing tools and information technologies. 2.Success in specialist's training is defined not only by the curriculum itself. It is very important by whom and in what conditions this program is being performed. Education at the SD Department is based on a very powerful material and technical basis and on scientific researches of the Department, defined in Ukraine and abroad. The SD Department is the permanent performer of European international scientific research programs (TEMPUS, INCO-Copernicious), of international programs of Ukrainian Scientific Technological Centre (USTC), of direct contracts with pioneering foreign companies (Digital, Motorola, Intel, IHP, Melexis, Panasonic, IBM), State programs of Ukraine on informatization, for instance, 'Creation of National Grid infrastructure for providing scientific research and education' project (2007-10). Students are widely involved in these projects, that give them possibilities to get practical skills of developing and supporting complex computer systems and their software even during the period of education. For instance, the joint laboratory of the Department and the Melexis Company, which is equipped with 15 licensed modern design Cadence systems, enables students to execute projects in conditions that are maximally close to those of Western Companies in equipment and technologies used, that are yet not presented in Ukraine. Students who are involved in administrating and managing the Department's local network have unique possibilities of gaining professional knowledge of maintenance of the IASA World Data Center ,that works in a world network of 52 analogue centers in 12 countries and students have possibility of working in the Center for Supercomputer Computations of NTUU 'KPI', that is leaded by the SD Department faculty. Both experience of pioneering countries and own SD Department experience show that computer scientists successfully fulfil themselves in the three following directions: - Software design and implementation. They are invited for perspective positions of programmers. They get in charge of coordination other programmers who are less aware of the new approaches in programming. - Search and developing the new ways and directions of computer usage. Achievements in the field of creating computer networks, data and knowledge bases, user-friendly human-computer interface enabled to create Internet and Web service (WWW). Nowadays researchers work on building the world Grid network for sharing computational capabilities and data repositories. Grid enables to go beyond the simple data exchange between computers, and to turn their global network into some kind of giant virtual computer, available in remote mode from any point, independently on user's location. - Development of efficient ways for solving computerization tasks. For example, computer scientists develop efficient ways of data storing in data bases, data transfer via computer networks and display of complex information. Their theoretical fundamental training enables them to find the best decisions of all possible, and their knowledge of algorithms helps to develop the new approaches which provide better functionality and efficiency of projects or systems being created. Don't be afraid of the curriculum's complexity! What is interesting that can be easily done! So Join the SD Department! |